by Matt Mayer

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

howabout a little follow-through

Man alive. I am fantastically amazing at doing things I say I'm going to do in my blog.

Sarcasm over, at least momentarily.

I feel like I don't have enough follow-through these days. Something has happened to me between college and now that I don't just get off my ass and do things like I used to. Interestingly enough, I think I've written some iteration of this blog post every other time I sign on. There's irony there, in that I'm only blogging to talk about how I don't follow through on things like blogging.

I think I expect too much from myself off the bat. I expect to be able to hit the first pitch out of the park every time. While making goals and creating expectations for yourself is good, there are times when I won't even swing for fear of not hitting that homerun. I resolve to be better about that. This paragraph will forever be proof of my being willing to write something public even if it's not amazing before I even put it down. It's still not amazing, but I'm leaving it as is, damnit. Even if that means it'll haunt me for about three days until I've forgotten again that I even have a blog.

Failure is proof that you gave it a shot. If this were a hand-written blog I would put a red circle with a capital F inside it on the top of the blog as a symbol rebellious to my over-thinking, perfectionist self. Take that.

P.S. Going to be Sho'nuff, the Shogun of Harlem for Halloween.


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